Importance of access of population-based cancer registries to vital statistics: barriers identified in Colombia


  • Fabián Gil Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Esther De Vries Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Carolina Wiesner Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Colombia



Registries, Neoplasms, Colombia, Epidemiology, Epidemiological Monitoring


Population-based cancer registries (PBCR) are responsible for reporting incidence, mortality and survival for cancer patients in their respective populations. Colombian legislation assigned the PBCR as sources of information for the national observatory on cancer. However, the PBCR lack legal support that officially assures access to official sources of national vital statistics and information on healthcare consumption; they face restrictions provided by law for the processing of personal data that prevents the transfer of information from national cancer databases and all their sources to the PBCR. We provide analysis of the problems of access to information on vital statistics of the country and the consequences of these access barriers for the PBCR, the presented arguments illustrate the need for the PBCR to have a smooth access to such information to be able to comply with their objectives.

Author Biographies

Fabián Gil, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Programa de doctorado en epidemiología clínica, Departamento de Epidemiología Clínica y Bioestadística, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá D. C., Colombia

Esther De Vries, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Departamento de Epidemiología Clínica y Bioestadística, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá D. C., Colombia

Carolina Wiesner, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Colombia

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Colombia, Bogotá D. C., Colombia


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How to Cite

Gil, F. et al. 2019. Importance of access of population-based cancer registries to vital statistics: barriers identified in Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Cancerología. 23, 2 (Jun. 2019), 56–61. DOI:


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